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Record trovati: 77
Anti-Semitism is not a thing of the past
The recent attacks at a Jewish community center and a nearby retirement community near Kansas City, Mo., remind us of the need to be constantly vigilant against the plague of anti-Semitism.
Meeting between Obama and Francis follows Vatican template
The meeting of President Barack Obama and Pope Francis went smoothly, even though there were a couple of bumps in the road. As is understandable, the media focused on the bumps while the Obama administration stressed areas of agreement.
28 marzo 2014
How will Obama's visit with Pope Francis go?
The leaders of two of the world's superpowers, one political and the other spiritual, will meet in Rome on Thursday. As with any important international meeting, the media will focus on areas of conflict, and liberals and conservatives will try to spin the results to support their causes.

21 marzo 2014
Francis effect
Pope Francis is the most talked about person in the world. He has been on the cover of almost every magazine, he makes the news almost every week, and he is a Twitter and Facebook sensation. He drew huge crowds in Rio de Janeiro and continues to draw large crowds in Rome.

5 marzo 2014
UN committee report on Vatican abuse a missed opportunity
The U.N. committee report on the Vatican's role in sexual abuse was a missed opportunity. It could have played an important role in improving the church's handling of sexual abuse; instead, it was an editorial screed.
7 febbraio 2014
What moral theologians say about getting involved in Syria

Traditionally, moral theologians have argued that to use military force justly, one must have a just cause; the use of force must be the last resort; success must be probable; the means must be proportionate; and the military action must be by a legitimate authority.
As the Obama administration prepares to respond to the use of chemical weapons in Syria, what are the ethicists saying about the morality of military intervention?

3 settembre 2013
Mali, la Francia si ritira davvero?
Terminata l’offensiva, Parigi ridurrà il proprio contingente. Sul terreno rimarrà però un numero sufficiente di uomini per condurre operazioni antiterrorismo. E anche Usa e Gran Bretagna manterranno una loro forte presenza sul campo.

29 maggio 2013
E i marines sbarcano a Sigonella
16 maggio 2013
Eritrea, regime fiscale
Il governo eritreo impone arbitrariamente agli emigrati nel nostro e in altri Paesi un tributo del 2% sui redditi. A chi non paga non vengono rinnovati i documenti, viene impedito di compiere atti giuridici in patria ed è proibito inviare aiuti alla famiglia. Una situazione che nasconde interessi poco chiari, tollerata dalle autorità italiane
maggio 2013
Martin e gli altri
La nostra empatia, premessa per un impegno, si attiva a singhiozzo. Non serve scandalizzarsi, ma prendere coscienza di quanto questa gerarchia della compassione è radicata in noi
maggio 2013
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