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Africa Vera Brian MacGarry Gesuita dello Zimbabwe
Notizie trovate:25
Indipendence and freedom, a mysterious marriage
Voglio postare una poesia scritta subito dopo l'indipendenza delle Zimbabwe (1980) da una giovane combattente dello Zanla, il braccio armato del partito di Mugabe. Spero che questi versi possano far riflettere sull'importanza del delicato rapporto tra «indipendenza» e «libertà», due concetti che in Africa spesso non procedono di pari passo.
The African Way
Zimbabwe, new Zanu-Pf?
African marriage
I am searching for the right channel to convey my contribution to the consultation the Pope has invited on matters to be discussed in the coming Synod of Bishops, on marriage and sexuality (...)
Rest in peace, Madiba
The announcement of Nelson Mandela's death was no surpr ise. At 95 years old and with the health problems he has been experiencing, he probably welcomed the release. For all in South Africa, this is a time to assess his legacy (...).

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